Thursday, December 27, 2007

Uhhh, hmmm yeah, that'll work

Here's one for the "you're a fucking retarded lazy-ass" file...

Check out Con-Edison's weird solution to what I can only guess were unstable light posts. I can just imagine the conversation they had before going through with this...

"Mr. Mayor! These light posts are unstable! If we don't do something to reinforce them now, lives could be hanging in the balance!

"I see. Get our best engineers on this, STAT!"

"Uhhhh, they're all at an electrical engineer conference in Vegas. How about that retarded janitor that works in the garage?"

"Whatever it takes, MAN! We need to keep these people SAFE!!!"

Yes, that's exactly what went on. And as you can see, the results are not only rock-solid safe, but they're also a feat of engineering genius AND aesthetically pleasing...




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