Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Chubby bloggers and dirty lemonade

Before I start, here's a little side by side comparison of how the night could have went, and how it actually went.

ps. the fat kid is actually blogging!

So this past Saturday my band, Shred Bundy, was supposed to play at some crummy apartment in bushwick for an eviction party. Now when I hear eviction party I immediately envision crazy punk bands raging through face melting sets while the unruly crowd smashes the venue to bits. You know, really tearing the shit out of the place. But alas, no. Instead we're greeted by a household of stupid, super young kids with stupid young kid ideals like "freeganism'. Yes, freeganism. They even had a show the night before that was sponsored by a freegan lemonade called revolution Lemonade or some dumb shit like that.

But isn't that cute? Its like when you were a kid and you'd set up a lemonade stand by the side of the road, only the lemons are rotten, it's a lot dirtier and you're a fucking filthy piece of shit.

Anyways, the place sucked, nobody knew what was going on and apparently all the other acts were folky, crusty, weirdo, off the grid, I drink aids lemonade stupid shit acts. So we grabbed all the people that came to see us and high-tailed it outta there. Our buds Tournament let us jump on the bill at the Charleston and the shit was epic. On our way back from Bushwick someone pulled the e-brake on the train and we pulled out a shitload of booze and got wasted - good times!

1 comment:

Beverly said...

I am still sorta bummed I didn't have a chance to wear my fur coat and eat burgers in front of the freegans. Next time.