Sunday, January 27, 2008

When you're pushed, blogging's as easy as breathing

First off, let me offer my deepest apologies for neglecting my blogging duties this past week. The sad truth is sometimes there's just not a whole lot of anything worth writing about. 

And then there was Friday night...

Do you know what Friday was? Do ya?? Friday was the premiere of what can only be hailed as the feel-good hit of 2008. A film destined to go down in history as a shining example of what all other films should aspire to be. I'm talking about mutha fucking, bad ass, rip your face off, mutha fucking RAMBO!

Duuuuuuuuuude, da flick was tight! If you're looking for stupid shit like a plot or character development (pshhh!) then point your vagina elsewhere. They really got it right this time. There was juuuuuuust enough of what faintly resembled a story so that it wasn't just a 90 minute gory-ass shootout, not that there's anything wrong with that mind you. But holy goddamn that was a bloody fucking movie.

So yeah, highly fucking recommended. It also helps if you're with a bunch of bro's and a shitload of beer. Go see it NOW!

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