Friday, May 30, 2008

Bad Marks

Have you ever really stopped to appreciate the bathroom wall at your local bar? It really is a thing of beauty. When all the various scrawlings start to encroach on the last bit of negative space, a synergy is created. Hundreds of tags, thoughts, poems and insults become one giant snapshot of that given area's collective conscious. It truly captivates me every time I pull my weenie out in a public rest room.

This really has nothing to do with what I wrote up top, but lookie at this here funny picture of someone's shitty tag getting a bad grade...

1 comment:

d said...

that is so cool--i am so gonna start grading your blog! eg, have you ever really stopped: boring, gets boringer, i like the word encroach--but still boring, collective conscious: OFFENSIVELY boring, oooh pull my weenie saves the day. A-