So I went to the Flosstradamous show at Studio B last night. Wow, that shit sucked. I made it in time to catch the last three vomit inducing songs by opening band, Tiger Shitty. Talk about absolute fucking shit. I knew they were bad going in because I checked them out on the myspace beforehand. Live was a whole different story. Not only were they infuriating to listen to, they were annoying to look at too.
And then came Flosstradamous...
I probably would have enjoyed their set if I was still in high school. That way all the shit 90's jock jams they were playing would have possessed some sort of retro allure for me. Alas they didn't. They just reminded me of being forced to listen to the radio as I worked some shit job growing up. I like to dance. I just can't justify dancing to the songs that made me want to shove an icepick in my ear when i was in my late teens, early 20's. Either that or I just wasn't drunk enough. Yeah, that's probably all it was.